Grace Celebration Fellowship

How To Be Saved!

Keep It

We are excited that you have decided to ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart to be saved.  You have chosen to make the greatest decision in your life that will affect the rest of your life throughout eternity.  No other decision in the world will have the impact and consequences as this one throughout your life here on earth and in eternity as well.

     Such things as marriage, career, where you choose to live only have earthly consequences and they all come to an end when your life on earth ends.  But giving your heart to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ impacts your life here on earth, those who are in the span of your reach and your eternity with the Triune God.

     My goal here is to keep this as simple as I possibly can because salvation itself is simple.  Initially, it is worthy of nothing that you are not saved by the “Plan” of salvation but rather, you are saved by the “Man” of salvation, namely; the Lord Jesus Christ.

     The bible states in (Ephesians 2:8-10), For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” This raises the question, what are “grace and faith?”  Here, I’ll give you the concise definitions because of the brevity of time and the hurried need to get you into the family of God due to His speedy and imminent return.  Further, I have done an individual teaching on both subjects; to receive the expanded teaching please request the teachings by sending an email to and I’ll send you the audio file as my gift to you just for requesting.

individual teaching on both Grace & Faith


     Grace is God taking full responsibility for the “Penalty & Consequences” of our sin (2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 9:28; 10:14).  Our sin has “placed us” as far away from God as we can possibly be; God is holy and cannot tolerate the presence of sin (it is for that reason that He forsook His Son on the Cross when Jesus became the sin bearer for the sins of the whole world, “Matt 26:47”).  God’s holiness has placed Him as far away from us as He can possibly be. 

     The question now is “how can a sinful man be made right with a holy God?”  This is where “grace” plays a significant, unique and unparalleled role in he life of the repentant sinner. Grace “brings you and me as close to God” as we can possibly be, so close that we become a part of His body (1 Corinthians 12:27).  Don’t worry beloved, you will never lose your salvation and you will never fall through Jesus’ hands because you are one of His fingers.


Faith is simply taking God at His Word regardless of what is looks like or feels like.  That is to say, God said it and that settles it whether you believe it or not (Mark 11:22-24).  Your faith is rooted and based on facts and not in feelings.

     With that backdrop lets now get you into the family of God.  Its as simple as A-B-C-DA= Acknowledge; that is, admit that you are a sinner, born a sinner, a sinner by nature and a sinner by practice who deserves the just penalty and punishment for sin, which is eternal separation from God in eternal torment in hell (Rom 3:23; 6:23; Luke 16:23-26).  If possible, this is to be said with your mouth ‘when we hear ourselves say something, we have double confirmation of what was said; in our heart and ears’, (Romans 10:9-10).  B= Believe; this is not just intellectual assent but belief that acts and has evidence to prove the validity of the belief.  Believe, has the idea of resting your weight on something.  When you sit on a chair or lay on a bed, you rest your weight there believing that it will hold you.  The same is true with believing that the payment that Jesus Christ made on the cross for your sin was enough and sufficient to meet the just demands of God the Father and the proof that the payment was accepted by God the Father and sufficient for the sin debt; Jesus was raised from from the grave on Sunday morning (Matthew 28:1-7; Acts 16:31; Romans 4:24; 10:13).  

C= Commit; that is, vow to follow and surrender your whole life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:24-26).  A good way of understand a vow of commitment is like saying “I Do” at the marriage alter when you get married.  That vow of “I Do” says, I vow to forsake all others and solely dedicate the rest of my life to you.  An unfaithful spouse is disloyal and commits adultery, it is also true when a Child of God breaks the vow we commits spiritual adultery against Jesus Christ who is the Bridegroom and the Church (you and I) is the Bride of Jesus Christ. (Revelation 19:7; Ephesians 1:13; John 14:3).  Un-fortunately, we have all sinned as children of God, but thank God for His love, mercy and forgiveness we when ask Him to forgive us with the mindset of abandoning the sinful act (1 John 1:9).  D= Don’t Wait; that is, do it now!  The bible is plain and urgent on this matter of salvation.  The emphasis is always on “now”.  The bible says, “Come Now” (Isaiah 1:18-20); “Today is the day” (2 Corinthians 6:2); “At this moment” (Hebrews 3:7-8).  Are you ready? Simply pray; “Lord Jesus, I’m a sinner, destined to separation from you in eternal torment, you are my only hope of being forgiven and saved (Acts 4:12), I have sinned against you (Psalm 51:4), forgive my sins, come into my heart and save me today. I surrender and commit my life to you, I say “I do” to you Jesus.  Thank you for saving me in Jesus name, Amen!”


Beloved, if you meant what you said with all your heart; on the authority of God’s Word, you are saved

(Romans 10:9-10,13)

God Bless you

Lord Be With You!

God has given you an engagement ring in the Person of God The Holy Spirit as His acceptance and commitment to you (Ephesians 1:13-14).  Welcome to the family of God; next Sunday make it public by going forward when the pastor ask for those to come to Jesus Christ and tell them you have prayed the prayer to be saved and now you are coming to make it public to prove your loyalty to Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:33). 

     Dear brother or sister in Christ, I hope I get a chance to meet you here on earth but if not I’ll be sure to see you one day in heaven.  When you see me there in heaven, please let me know you prayed the prayer to be saved from the GCF website and we’ll rejoice together; The Lord Be With You!

Grace Celebration Fellowship


 provides this type of growing environment, which can be heard each Sunday morning @ 8am CST on or on the KGGR-1040AM App.

You are saved, what now?


     A good book to starting reading is the Gospel of John, which focuses on the Deity of Jesus Christ (Jesus being “God” in human flesh) and the nature of biblical faith.  A chapter a day would be sufficient or more if you desire. 

     You will discover that the Word of God not only feeds you but it also makes you hungry for more (indicating you are truly a child of God, “Matthew 5:6”).

     Find a Bible Believing, Bible Teaching church, where Jesus Christ is exalted and glorified, to start growing in your faith and your walk with Jesus Christ.  If you are in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, we would be glad to have you join us or worship with us.  Here are a few ways you can tell that you are in a Bible Believing and Bible Teaching church; Initially, the pastor requires you to use your bible throughout the whole sermon by asking you to look at or read a certain verse as he is reading it during the sermon.  Secondly, the sermon is chronologically outlined where you can follow along and takes notes or fill in blanks to take part in the unfolding process.  This creates an environment for growth and preparation for the attacks of the devil from those who will challenge your faith.  Thirdly, the Word of God is affecting the pastor’s life and the lives of those in the church.  Our church, Grace Celebration Fellowship provides this type of growing environment, which can be heard each Sunday morning @ 8am CST on or on the KGGR-1040AM App.


     Without this kind of environment, it will be difficult if not impossible to learn about your savior, grow in your faith, get the tools and information you need to withstand the deceptive attacks of Satan (Matthew 11:29).  Beloved when you reason goes, your faith is the next thing to go or at best a faith that has no influence or impact in your life or the lives of those around you.

     When you are in worship on Sunday morning or whenever you worship; you are getting ammunition for your arsenal, sharpening your sword, adding steel to your faith, preparing to give an answer to those who ask you about your faith and contending for the faith (1 Peter 3:15; Jude 3; Ephesians 6:11).  The Bible Believing and Bible Teaching environment would provide this type of atmosphere; without it, it generally becomes a passionate, emotional and personality driven monologue that may only benefit the speaker.  

     A sheep has four (4) compartments in its stomach, when it is grazing and eating during the day it is gathering food and placing it in one (1) of the four (4) stomachs.  It is not growing or being nourished at that moment.  It is not until the sheep are lying down at night (sometimes the Shepherd has to make the sheep lay down for this reason “Psalm 23:2”) that it regurgitates the food from the various stomachs, re-chews it and at that moment it is distributed throughout its body for nourishment.  

     This reality is also true with the Child of God. When we attend worship (church), we are gathering the information we need and when we get home in a quiet place we take out our notes, recall what we heard, read the supporting scriptures to validate what we have learned and it is at that time through prayer and meditation we are growing in our your faith and in our new relationship and walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. 

And more………….These doctrines can be heard each Sunday night @10pm CST on the KGGR-1040AM App.  You can download the App from Google Play-Store or wherever you download you Apps.

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